WARNING: Midlife Metabolism Rescue Has Limited Space 

...Several Spots Are Already Gone...

“Balance Your Hormones, Reset Your Metabolism, Fix Your Fatigue & Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 12 Weeks (Without Counting Calories Or Exercising) ...

Applications Close Wednesday!

(***For more details & Q&A

attend the Info Session Monday at 7 PM EST***)

As Seen In:

“I’m tired of feeling sick and tired. I just want to feel good in my own body, but I don’t even have the time or energy to start. I’ve tried every diet program, prescription drug, and routine you can imagine, but I still don’t feel good.....

Does this sound like you?

  You’re tired and frustrated. Your moods are all over the place and you’ve never felt this way before. You’re ready for change, but you don’t even know where to get started...

You want to eat right, but there’s so much conflicting diet information. When it comes to exercise, you do too much or too little, but nothing seems right...

“My doctor tells me it’s normal to be tired and have no sex drive at this stage of life, but if this is normal, I don’t want it....

Your doctor just gave you five prescriptions for your varying symptoms, but you know it’s not the answer...

You're not getting answers that resolve your symptoms. You’re ready for a better solution, but you don’t even know how to get started or who to turn to for support...

“No matter what I do or what program I try, I just can’t seem to lose the weight. I feel unattractive and uncomfortable in my own skin....

You’ve done it all and then some, but you STILL haven’t achieved the results you were promised. Feeling good is starting to feel like a distant dream...

OK, maybe you never expected to feel like you were in your 20s again, but is waking up feeling energized & optimistic about life really too much to ask...

Listen, you deserve to feel good

You don’t deserve to suffer, 

and I’m here to help you get your mojo back...

Master Your Hormones 

& Get Unstuck

Jumpstarting Your Metabolism Isn’t About Getting By

Symptoms at Midlife can send you the stimulant route where you can’t get through the day without sugar or coffee to "wind up" or wine to "wind down".

It’s Not About Masking Symptoms With Drugs

It’s not enough to address the symptoms, you have to tackle the root-cause, but you probably already knew that. 

You just don’t know where to begin...

Your Doctor Doesn’t Have This Information To Share

You won’t get your hormones balanced in your doctor’s office. There is no magic drug or silver bullet to solve your health problems.

Plus, mainstream medicine isn't about healing what's causing your problems, it's about medications to control & not fix them...

Just Because It's "Normal" For Most Women To Suffer At Midlife Doesn’t Mean That It's Optimal...

Most women are not aware that optimal health is available at every age.  They see others suffering so they think that's the only option.  It's not...Stop settling for less than what's possible...

It Doesn’t Have To Be A Huge Commitment

In just 3 months you can reset your metabolism and get the skills, motivation and savvy you need to get on the right track headed to your best health and life yet...

Before I discovered an all natural root cause resolution approach for my health issues I was lost and confused.....

As a Board Certified OBGYN I was supposed to know everything there is to know about women's health and healing

But nothing I had been taught helped me figure out what was wrong with my health and fix it...

Hi, I'm Dr. Kyrin Dunston,

Years ago I was a busy OBGYN running a successful practice.  From the outside, I looked like I had it all.  On the inside....I felt like I was dying.....

I was obese, weighing 243 lbs, and had no life outside work and sleeping, which I did for 10 hours a day. Even though I was a wife and a Mom, my chronic pain, depression & anxiety and constant fatigue kept me from participating fully in life.

But... no matter what I did, I just couldn’t lose the weight and I was constantly tired.   All the tests I ran came back "normal"

Even my doctor couldn’t help me.  I felt hopeless, helpless, and lost. I dreaded getting out of bed every day.

Doctors tell you it’s "normal for your age" to feel tired and gain weight.  You understand that your hormones are changing, but you feel like a stranger in your own skin , your sex drive is shot, your health concerns are multiplying, and you wonder.....is this normal? 

Through a series of miraculous events I discovered a different type of medicine that addresses the root causes of health symptoms and disease using natural treatments and diagnoses using special tests I'd never heard of.  When I read about it I knew it was the Truth and the right way to heal the body.

I committed right then and there to learn as much as I could about this type of medicine and to use it to heal myself.  

And that's what I did...I became obsessed with uncovering the root causes of my symptoms and treating them naturally.

And then.....the weight started coming off, my energy began returning, my hair growing back and I started to feel at home in my skin and my life again.

Over two years,  I lost 100 pounds as menopause was beginning, healed all of my symptoms and got off all prescription medicines.

I looked and felt 20 years younger!

That was 10 years ago and now I'm keeping the promise I made to help as many women as possible to transform their health and their lives by sharing this powerful technology of root cause resolution medicine.

There's no reason that you have to suffer at midlife, not with weight gain, not with sagging energy, not with low sex drive or hair loss, not with any symptoms that interfere with you living your life to the fullest.

The truth is that with the right strategies.....you can feel as good in midlife as you did when you were in college!

I’m eager to help you jumpstart your midlife mojo & feel amazing in your body so that you can live your life to the fullest.....because you deserve it!


Dr. Kyrin

Some Of My Before & After Photos...

So I created a program for you to balance your hormones and turn your health around in the right direction......

Introducing The

My proven system for women at midlife who 

want to balance their hormones, reset their metabolism, lose weight, regain energy, feel sexy & confident, look great and master midlife!


Live Group Coaching Program Starts Next Week.

Applications Close Wednesday at 7 pm EST

In Just 3 Months

You’ll Achieve Incredible Results!

  • Know your personal hormone levels
  • ​Reset your metabolism
  • ​Lose up to 30 pounds
  • Double your energy
  • ​Be armed with the tools to balance your hormones
  • ​Be Sleeping Well
  • ​Feel sexy & confident
  • Look great and master midlife

Step 1: Awaken Your Spirit For Healing

Learn about the energetic grid on which your physical health is built & how to access and set this energy right for healing so that you can have the advantage to feel hopeful, passionate and on purpose in life as you achieve your health goals.

Step 2: Get In The Healing State

There is ONLY one state in which hormone balance, healing and weight loss occur.  You'll take daily practical steps to get you this "Secret Sauce" ingredient that helps you sleep better and be more peaceful.

Step 3: Calm Your Insulin

Insulin is the leading hormone that must be addressed to get the others in line.  You'll learn not only how to assess yours but how to tame & control it so that it works for you and not against you.  So that you can not be "Hangry" anymore.

Step 4: Tame Your Thyroid

Do the "Right Tests" and learn how to read them the "Right Way" to uncover low function of this essential metabolic hormone that rules your weight & energy.  Receive direction on which supplements to take or get an Rx if needed for natural thyroid hormone replacement from a doctor licensed in your state. (*USA only)

Step 5: All Hail Queen Cortisol

In 2021 we all have stress hormone or cortisol dysfunction and that means disrupted sleep, sagging energy, poor immune function and more. Complete your own salivary cortisol profile and learn your exact stage of imbalance and how to naturally correct it so you can sleep well, awaken refreshed, stay energetic all day, lose weight and avoid future health problems.

Step 6: Balance Your Sexy Hormones

Sex hormones are about so much more than sex and reproduction.  You'll complete your own DUTCH test and get clear answers on your exact hormone levels, experience a telemed visit with a Board Certified physician licensed in your state to see if you are a candidate for BHRT and an Rx at our favorite compounding pharmacy shipped to your home if you are. *(USA only)

Submit Your Application Today 

& Get These Amazing Benefits:

8 Modules of training on the top hormones & health issues so that you know the actions to keep each hormone balanced now and are are confident in keeping them balanced going forward.

Personalized Blood & DUTCH testing to identify your unique hormone imbalances & more (*Bloodwork not available in NJ, NY & RI or outside USA.)

 The Hormone Club video conference consultation from Board Certified MD in your state to receive hormone Rx if indicated (*Not available outside USA.)

Pharmaceutical Grade Nutraceutical Supplement recommendations available at discounted pricing through Fullscript online formulary.

Twice Monthly Q & A with me

Twice Monthly Coach Office Hours with each of our two coaches (4 sessions)

Video Library of Lessens and Q & A Sessions

Recipes to keep you on track through the program

Opportunity to work one on one with me and your personal health coach throughout your program (*Additional fees apply.)

Some Of Our Success Stories

Erin F Shares:  
"I knew something was off, but my doctors didn't have any answers for me on how to help my low energy and declining libido. I accepted this as my new normal.. life just got harder. I was tired even when I had slept well… I had difficulty making it through my day with energy and focus…I relied on multiple cups of coffee and a glass of wine at night to relax"

"This has truly been one of the most helpful and supportive classes I have taken...she shows you how to identify your own unique health problems. it is not just about being disease free, but striving to gain optimal health.

"I'm sleeping longer and more deeply. I can work all day with energy and alertness…My gut health…has improved…my overall sense of wellbeing is much better…I have a roadmap now that makes sense to me."

Carrie S Shares:

"I came to this because my perimenopausal symptoms just got out of control, especially this last year due to the high stress of the pandemic. Stress just ramps up all of our issues in our tissues and mine. My insomnia, weight gain, low libido, irritability, anxiety, brain fog...were just off the charts."

"I never thought I could make these lifestyle changes...but with Dr. Karen's approach her empathy and cheerleader newness I was able to do it."

"It gave me confidence and knowing that I can heal, which is cool, even though it's not a quick fix, but just knowing that it is possible and I have control over it is huge."

Deb M Shares:

"It was a relief to see that there was a reason why I was feeling so lousy because even though I was taking medication for different conditions I didn't feel good at all."

"So now I have a goal to work towards which I'm grateful for and I've reached, or I've been able to accomplish some of my goals...I've hit a milestone in my life and I've got back to my goal weight. That's been a long time coming." 

"While I'll never be as brave or daring as Dr. Karen would be when she got on the cover of her book with her white bikini, I don't think I'm going to feel quite as bad this summer going to the beach."

Anne B. Shares:

"I got Hashimoto's thyroiditis, they took out the fibroid and found stage one cancer. I had infertility for many years and I had two myomectomies, and endometriosis. And cysts all over the place. I had chronic fatigue and Epstein-Barr…

After the hormone mastermind, I just have so much more energy that fatigue has lifted. And I have a pep in my step. I don't feel Debbie downer because of my fatigue. I'm in a better mood all the time. I'm able to sleep better. 

It's unbelievable the change that I feel. The thing I love the most about the class was the group setting. 

For anyone who might be on the fence, I'd say that you're going to spend a lot more money medicating your symptoms than you would if you take this class. it's absolutely worth it to do. Or else you won't really get the results."

Eileen Shares:

"I've been on hormone replacement therapy for about 15 years...Year after year after year, not feeling at my best and knowing there's got to be more.

Dr. Kyrin provides an education on how everything is connected from the mind, the thoughts, the habits, traumatic events in childhood and how that's manifested in the body. She's a huge believer of test, don't guess. And we actually learn to analyze our own test results and learn what optimal levels that we need to achieve. And we learned so many techniques. 

What I love about her is that she is so, so passionate and so goes above, and beyond everything in order to impart all of her wisdom.

Unfortunately, our healthcare system right now is not supporting women in the manner that we need to be supported. And Dr. Kyrin is a hugely filling that void, not just with hormones, but how everything is connected. it's just incredible. The wealth of knowledge that I achieved in this course, it opened my eyes tremendously. 

You will not be disappointed if you sign up. So I say, just do it. You want to feel better, just sign up for the course. You will see results, and you will have an understanding that you never had before. And you will be so thankful that you are feeding your body, what she needs. I thank God. I found Dr. Kyrin."

I'm a busy woman too...

This System Was Created With You In Mind

Simple Steps

I guide you through the exact steps that I took and use with all my clients to help them break through to success with their weight, energy, sleep, immune function and more.

Powerful Results

The steps I help you implement and the laser-focus of this training will help you take targeted personalized action to move your health in the right direction.

Easy Access

You're on the go - so is this material! All of the videos, audio tracks and documents are easily accessible through your phone (or on your computer). Wherever, whenever.

Pretty Sure You're Gonna 

Love This...

You CAN do this & I'm excited to GUIDE you to success!

Still not sure it's working for you? 

No problem...It's ok... if you’re not 100% satisfied with the program within 28 days, I will offer you a refund.

(Please note: Submit Your Starting & Finishing Weight & Energy with Photo to qualify For A Refund If Needed.  Completed tests and consults are not returnable or refundable for any reason and the cost of these will be deducted from the program cost if a refund is issued. Overseas, NY, NJ, RI program fees are NOT refundable for any reason.)

But Wait.....There's More!

The program starts next week, so hurry and SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION TODAY 

and you'll get these amazing bonuses!

Bonus #1

The Sleep Solution

My Step by Step guide to get to sleep and stay asleep soundly as quickly as possible.  You'll be romancing your sleep in no time so that you can start your days feeling rested, focused, balanced and energized.

Bonus #2

The Libido Fix

Heathy Sex is a vital component of brilliant health and I'll guide you through the exact steps to regain your feminine fire so that you can not only enjoy intimacy again but also reignite your relationship spark!

Bonus #3



Studies show that health outcomes from members of group programs are far superior to those receiving on on one care and that telemedicine provides greater client satisfaction than in person visits.  Make new like minded friends on this incredible journey!

Space is limited (so that we can make sure that you get the attention you deserve)...

And registration closes when the Challenge ends,

so don't wait...

I can’t wait to help you achieve incredible results in my program. 

More Of Our Success Stories

Geanine T Shares:

"I lost 10 pounds after struggling with trying to lose weight for quite some time...this was just an absolutely phenomenal result. I had a chance to understanding what was going on with my hormones....What I really loved about it is that we learn how to read our own labs, which was so empowering."

"And I can't say enough...she really over-delivers, gives you tons of information...the women who joined the mastermind are incredibly supportive and kind and wonderful...this has just been such incredibly enriching experience for me."

"This is an investment and I get it. Many of us may be on a budget, but I can assure you, this is some of the best money you will ever spend. It's an investment in your health. And as we know, health is wealth."

Ashley H Shares:  

My physicians have failed at putting it altogether for me”  “What I loved most about the class…all the education …She's really diving deep…We've done extensive lab testing…we really know where we're deficient and what the direction we need to go in order to fix. I love her saying of test don't guess, and we're not just guessing like your physician might would do if you come in with certain symptoms.”

“I love that Dr. Kyrin has taught us what is optimal versus what is normal as far as our lab values go…honestly they are very different.”

“I'm happy to know that I'm on my way back to, to optimal health now…I feel empowered to have gained so much knowledge that now I know what I can do to help myself feel better. I would absolutely recommend this to a friend.”

Debbie C Shares:

“Dr. Kyrin has such a vast knowledge in so many different areas and also so compassionate and understanding about what we're going through.”

“I have difficulty losing weight…I went from size 18 to a size 14…my constipation decreased, I was exhausted and insomnia was terrible… that has improved… I no longer have severe muscle aches and pains. I am feeling better.”
“I would highly recommend joining Dr. Kyrin and have her help you heal yourself and get the knowledge and the different tests, it's invaluable and really helps you help yourself.”

Stacey F. Shares:  

"I was searching for something to help my hormones & me feel better. At 53 I've just been feeling extremely flat.
We took a deep dive through blood work and different tests that I would've never found on mainstream medicine and finding the root cause of how our bodies work as women and digging deep into how we can feel better and function optimally, not just okay.

I am feeling better already. I feel like I'm on the right path to recovery, I feel like I finally found a root cause solution to taking care of myself that I was never going to get through mainstream medicine. 

The coaches are great. The information is wonderful. It has just been a really supportive, informative program that I would highly recommend."

Kenya Shares:  

"I was experiencing menopausal symptoms, hot flashes, weight gain, low energy, foggy brain. And I was at my wit's end and needed help. I had sought the advice of so many different physicians have been on different medications and needed a solution.

I have for my entire life suffered with constipation, gone to many physicians and was told “this is just your normal to only go to the restroom once every one to two weeks.” I felt yucky, bloated and toxic, I had gone through so many different detox programs. Anything you probably name? I tried it.

I need and want to be healthy, whole, energized. And that's what I did. I invested the last three months working with the coaches, the nutrition protocols, the hormone protocols. 

I eliminate waste just like everyone else and I feel fantastic. The hormone protocol that I'm on, I am energized. My head is clear. I am more engaged at work and can get more done where several months ago it was a chore just to get out of bed in the morning and to be focused because I was not motivated.

It's just amazing when you know you're not alone, and you can go through this with other ladies who are like-minded and having similar situations and can add input and insight and support to you as well. I recommend this program to anyone who is having challenges I encourage you to try it, invest it for yourself, and you won't regret it."

My proven system for women at midlife who want to reset their metabolism and start to lose weight, regain energy, balance their hormones & their moods, feel sexy & confident, look great and master midlife!

-In Just 3 Months!

The Midlife Metabolism Rescue 

Starts Next Week...

Applications Close

Wednesday February 14 at 7 pm EST

What's Included In The Program:

  • Premier-The Hormone Club Pro Membership for 3 months: Private HIPPA compliant consultation through The Hormone Club with physician licensed in your state to prescribe bio-identical hormones if indicated (NY, NJ, RI & overseas residents excluded).
  • ​Premier-Comprehensive Blood Work through The Hormone Club Pro Membership: So you can know your exact thyroid & insulin function, your basic chemistries and other key factors. (*NJ, NY & RI and overseas residents excluded).
  • Premier-The DUTCH Plus Test through The Hormone Club Pro Membership:  Get the State of The Art hormone evaluation to pinpoint your specific imbalances in sex hormones, detox & stress hormones through your Initial Elite Membership with The Hormone Club. (*NJ, NY & RI & overseas residents excluded).
  • Premier-Bi Weekly Q&A with Dr. Kyrin:  To get questions about your specific health concerns answered expertly. 
  • ​Premier-8 Modules on Hormones & More:  Learn what you must know to get your hormones balanced & keep them that way, lose weight, regain energy, sleep and live well.
  • ​Premier-Health Assessments: Know where you are and where you want to go, what's stopping you from getting there and how to move forward.
  • ​Premier-Facebook Community of Women Just Like You:  Studies show that health outcomes in group programs are superior to one on one. We support each other & have lots of fun here too! 
  • ​Premier-Daily Community Interaction With Coaches:  Timely, daily chat based Q&A to share, connect, affirm and troubleshoot so you never feel alone or lost. 
  • ​Premier-Health Coach Support with Office Hours Weekly: Consistent Q&A to help guide you on your path and troubleshoot so you never feel alone or lost.
  • ​​Premier-Delicious Recipes & Grocery Lists:  An offering of our favorite delicious health supportive recipes to be used guided by your hormone balance needs.  
  • Premier-5% Discount On All Fullscript Supplement Purchases: Our online formulary stocks the highest quality pharmaceutical grade nutraceuticals shipped to your door so you get the botanical and nutrient support your body needs to heal.
  • ​​Elite also includes- Two Strategy Sessions with Kyrin:  Initial 90 minute and follow up 45 minute to review your testing, answer questions and offer time collapsing strategies to get you results quickly!
  • ​Elite also includes-Bi Weekly Private Coaching Sessions: Have a personal coach hold you accountable and give you actionable steps to achieve your goals based on your unique labs and symptoms. 
  • Elite also includes-Monthly Team Assessment & Strategy Meeting With Tailored Recommendations: Dr. Kyrin & the Coaches meet monthly to discuss each Elite participant's path, labs, symptoms, supplements and goals to trouble shoot and tailor them for maximum benefit. 
  • ​Elite also includes-Unlimited Email & Text Messaging With Your Coach:  Get targeted, personalized answers to your unique questions when you need them so that you avoid missteps and stay on the right path. 
  • ​Elite also includes-Unlimited Custom Meal Planning with Shopping Lists:  Using RealPlans your Health Coach will create customized meal plans with recipes and shopping lists for you based on your unique needs, from gluten and dairy free to keto, paleo, Whole30, FODMAP and more!  We put the ease into mealtime. 
  • ​Elite also includes-10% Discount On All Fullscript Supplement Purchases:  Our online formulary stocks the highest quality pharmaceutical grade nutraceuticals shipped to your door so you get the botanical and nutrient support your body needs to heal.

Amy G. Shares:

"Prior to the class, I was suffering from poor sleep, mild depression, complete isolation. The feeling of camaraderie among the other women who are suffering the same as you just was amazing. I feel closer to them than to some of my friends."

"I've definitely got increased energy. I just want to warn you don't let the cost scare you. I know it seems a little overwhelming and hard to take that plunge, but trust me..it's going to be cheaper in the long run than your disease management...You won't regret it."

Kim V Shares:  

"My health was going downhill…I was having a lot of symptoms. I didn't know where they were coming from. I couldn't figure out how to relieve them. I didn't feel like myself…"

"What I experienced in this group was amazing…the team…the camaraderie…to be there for each other and cheer each other on…the teaching method, having the videos that you can go to at your own pace, having the weekly meetings."

"I have hope now that I'm going to find the solutions. My hot flashes are a lot less & night sweats, barely there anymore."

"It works, it really works…this program helps you get through everything you need to, to get to the answers, to get to feel better…It's been a great program."

Felicia W. Shares:

"Girl, you need to work with Dr. Dunston. I learned that my adrenals were blown, had no idea that that was going on, but you get those tests and you get to see it, and then you get to match it up with what's going on in your life. So It's super empowering. 

My favorite thing about her is that she says that I don't give you a fish. I teach you how to fish. We are slaves to the doctor; with Dr. Dunstan, she explains it to you. So you're able to use that information now and later in life. So
I love that I've been educated in that way for now and later

Also the optimal level. We're not really taught that with doctors. They keep everything just getting by. So if you think you're going to get in your car and drive down the road to a little neighborhood doc that's on your provider list with your insurance. That ain't it. 

She is the real deal. she's going to educate you. She hits all the things. She builds community; she tells you about when she was just like us. And you get to learn from a group of other women who are going through what you're going through.

I 100% recommend working with Dr. Dunston."

Caryn B. Shares:

In 2011 a small skin rash became a whole body rash, and it go away. A whole bunch of other little health issues that were just getting worse. Doctors told me this is nothing to worry about. It won't kill you. It's a normal part of the aging process, skin rashes, leaky eyes waking up at three o'clock constipation, leaky bladder, not able to lose weight. My waistline changing up and down by two inches every day.

I've tried different eating plans. Exercise plans made new health habits, but my health issues didn't really change. Then I saw an interview with Dr. Kyrin. I really liked her approach to health problems. 

She believes in educating people about their health testing to show you what the problem is and then how to deal with it. And how these health issues are really interrelated. 

I really enjoyed the fact that she is online, the variety of learning experiences, videos, group meetings, one-on-one meetings, Facebook community. 

There's lots of support to help you learn, to take control of your health, ask questions and make informed choices. I would encourage everyone to work with Dr. Dunston and become an active participant in your health.

Ericka Shares:

"She teaches people how to look at their hormones and how they play a role and empowers us to really get to know our bodies.

I thought it was an amazing opportunity and she overdelivers. The amount of money that I paid for this course does not compare to the tools and the value that I received. 

I started the program having a hard time losing any weight and failing lots of different diet guidance. I've done Jenny Craig, keto, paleo, whole 30, elimination diets. The thing that I like is breaking down the different hormones that are out of whack and kind of getting an holistic approach, which deepened my understanding but there's so many puzzle pieces that weren't weren't put together for me until this program. 

Some of the things I really like are the modules, the calls, the Facebook group and spirited discussion, the coaches are wonderful and supportive and the group is actually supportive. It's a very safe, nurturing environment to learn. She equips you with tools to unlock the key to a vibrant, healthy life 

So is it worth the investment? Of course it is definitely worth the investment. The amount she charges, it does not really cover the value. How much would you pay for vibrant health? This is a fraction of that. It's really time for you to make the choice to invest in yourself. No one else can do it, but you, so why not now?"

"My experience with Dr. Dunston has been five-star. She opened my eyes to a new way of thinking and small, but significant, changes made a big difference in my health. She lives what she teaches -- which I find impressive. #thrilled." -Alice C.

"I didn't have to explain much about what I was going through. She understood. She knew exactly what was wrong with me. I was taken care of. I feel EMPOWERED. I feel really, really good. I didn't believe until I went to see her how much different my life could be." -Maria D.

"Dr. Dunston is a fabulous doctor. Unlike other doctors I have been to, she spent a great deal of time with me, listened to me, and sincerely wanted to help me feel better. She is very knowledgeable about women's health, hormone-replacement therapy and is open to alternative treatments. I love Dr. Dunston." -Spring P.

"Dr. Dunston is passionate about helping women find their whole health and makes herself available to making that happen. She brings a personal experience, which makes her so relatable. Her expertise and care turned my health around."

-Jenny S.

* DISCLAIMER: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The average person can expect to 5-10 pounds monthly following the 
Midlife Metabolism Rescue Program but there is no guarantee any weight loss will occur. Results vary because of many factors, including health status, food eaten, water consumed, sleep quantity and other factors beyond our control.

This website does not provide medical or healthcare advice. Consult with your physician before making any dietary or other health-related changes, including adoption of the Hormone Balance Mastermind Program. 

Dr. Kyrin does not provide any medical in this program.  In this program she functions as an educator and Health Coach only.  This program does not diagnose or treat any disease.  All diagnosis including test ordering, consultation and prescriptions are executed by My The Hormone Club PC and delivered by board certified physicians licensed in each state.

 Contact Us: hello@kyrindunstonmd.com

 Privacy - Terms- Refund & Return Policy

Copyright © 2022-27 - Midlife Metabolism Institute LLC - All Rights Reserved

FOR SUPPORT ISSUES OR QUESTIONS, please email us at hello@midlifemetabolisminstitute.com or call or text us at 404.654.0270